Updated on 10 Feb, 2024
As Directed by the Ministry of Education, GOI, STRIDE, IGNOU designed and implement on February 1, 2023 a National Training Programme on Swayam on NEP-2020 for administrators and general practitioners of higher education in the country, which was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Minister of State for Education and External Affairs, Dr. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh Ji.
i) STRIDE is recognized by the UGC as equivalent to UGC-HRDC for all purposes including its Refresher and STPs for API and CAS. With this, STRIDE has the jurisdiction of the entire country and all HEIs for offer and recognition of its refresher and short-term professional development programmes. All Training programme are designed, developed, offered by following the UGC-HRDC Guidelines.
ii) Under the aegis of PMMNMTT, Ministry of Education, Government of India, and as approved by the University Grants Commission, STRIDE-IGNOU is implementing the national training programme on the implementation of NEP-2020 “NEP-2020: Professional Development Programme for University and College Teachers”, by combining three national technology platforms – SAMARTH, SWAYAM, and SWAYAM PRABHA for training of above 15.1 lakh higher education teachers in the country. 14 modules and 31 videos have been contributed by national experts from institutions including AICTE, AIU, NIEPA, NCERT, IGNOU, JNU. Additional 36 Swayam Prabha videos have been generated and placed at NEP-PDP Swayam Vertical-II platform as also available at You tube link:
iii) STRIDE is offering four SWAYAM courses: i) MDE 518, ii) MDE 412, iii) Learner Support, iv) NEP-
iv) 27 PhD scholars are pursuing their PhD in Distance Education at STRIDE.
v) STRIDE has conducted 30 training programmes, attended by 969 faculty/ academics/ non-teaching staff from all over the country (covering 256 institutions) in the year 2022.
vi) STRIDE has printed the backlog on IJOL for 2019, 2010, 2021, and the issues for 2022 are published and the next issue is under process.
vii) STRIDE is offering some of its flagship training programmes as paid programme for non-IGNOU participants; has generated resources through its paid training programmes for Rs. 3,55,000 for further use in its training activities.
viii) STRIDE academic programmes have completed the fifth revision; and further conversion of the 64-credit programme into 80-credit programme (as per UGC and NEP-2020 requirement) is under process by adding 2-credit compulsory Portfolio in each course. Simultaneously, the 10 courses of
PGDDE and MADE are under process of translation into Hindi with the help of MS-365 and massive
STRIDE faculty and non-teaching staff training on Hindi by Hindi Cell of IGNOU.
ix) STRIDE completed the GOAL-Guyana SDP online; and is offering its Ph.Diploma in DE in Guyana
with online counseling support by the faculty of STRIDE.
x) STRIDE completed a 5-year Institutional Development Plan for STRIDE covering academic
programmes, skill-based courses, SWAYAM courses, annual training calendars, and research
studies from 2022-2023, the STRIDE-IDP is being implemented through its various activities.
2021: STRIDE completed training of about 78 newly appointed faculty of IGNOU through these Induction Programme during September-November, 2021. The Guyana (Goal) - STRIDE/IGNOU commenced the Online Academic Counselling of Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education (PGDDE) for the learners enrolled under the GOAL Guyana – IGNOU programme on 20th November, 2021. This academic counselling is scheduled for five courses and will go on till 27th February, 2022. STRIDE faculty are coordinating development and offer of three 2- Credit Courses for training of faculty under Goal-Guyana.
STRIDE had organized an International Workshop on Design and Development of Self Learning Materials for Distance, Online and Blended Learning (Through Virtual Mode) from 9th to 16th, August 2021. The Programme was attended by 27 National and 18 International participants mainly from National Open University of Nigeria which Programme covered mix of theoretical formulation and hands on experiences in ODL, online and blended learning.
STRIDE faculty are member and also convener of the IGNOU Task force on NEP- 2020 which has completed its implementation report (Chaired by PVC Prof. R.P. Das) and which formed part of presentation to the team of MOE/GOI led by the Hon’ble Secretary Higher Education to IGNOU in November 2021. Further, STRIDE is coordinating the awareness development programme on NEP-2020 for above 15 lakh University and College teachers through a blended training mode, and in collaboration with all IGNOU- RCs, and UGC - HRDCs in the country, as approved by MOE- GOI and UGC.
STRIDE has completed TNA study of faculty of IGNOU, which is extended to cover IGNOU, SOUs and dual-mode University DEIs. STRIDE has taken up the tasks of translating its MADE Courses into various Regional Languages, and also conversion of its MADE ODL programme into MADE- Online programme.
STRIDE has been offering a course on online learning at SWAYAM, while a course on MDE-518 is on offer it SWAYAM, MDE-412 is being developed as a SWAYAM course. In addition, training programmes and videos are being developed for the SWAYAM PRABHA Channel.
2020: STRIDE Organized Faculty Development Programme on Open, Distance and Online Learning: Emerging new realities: Bridging the Gap of Regular and ODL Mode for the faculty of Rajiv Gandhi University from 28 July, 2020-1 August, 2020 (Online Mode). In this background, the Institute of Distance Education, Rajiv Gandhi University, proposed in collaboration with IGNOU-STRIDE conducted a Faculty Development Programme on Online Teaching Methods. The focus of this FDP was to learn the tools of online learning. The STRIDE Net Meet Academic Counselling Programme was a unique initiative for the MA in Distance Education (MADE) learners conducted at a National Level through online mode for the first time by STRIDE. The programme duration was for 15 days from 17 June to 2 July, 2020. This programme was an outcome of the unprecedented situation caused due to the COVID19 induced lockdown and the felt need to reach out to MADE learners especially of July 2019 and Jan 2020 batches. The objective of the programme was to provide discipline knowledge about Distance Education as well as conduct academic counseling for all10 MADE courses. It was also aimed to establish direct contact with learners at time of the COVID 19 inducted lockdown and provide them learner support services.
2019: STRIDE organized Seminar on Draft National Education Policy-2019. At present, open and distance learning (ODL) has been considered as part of ‘optional learning environment and support for students’, following this, the modalities of skill development, accreditation and quality assurance may be further revisited, IGNOU should be considered as part and parcel of national policy on innovations in pedagogies, inclusion and diversity, flexible system of liberal education with skill development, and above all, student assessment, institutional assessment and accreditation. IGNOU should be an integral part of decisions on developing institutional accreditation framework for ODL in the country; Ten days faculty development programme on ‘Revisiting and Review of Learner Support Services (LSS). An attempt was made to review few models of learners support services right from private study, correspondence and open and distance education institutions.
2018: STRIDE in collaboration with SSC conducted 2 workshops on RTI-MIS on-line portal for Public Information Officers (CPIOs) of IGNOU, on 20th March, 2018; 18-19 September, 2018. The aim of the workshops were to sensitize the CPIOs about the finer details of RTI Act 2005 to help them handle queries in an efficient manner as per the provisions of the Act to make them familiar with the online portal for speedy delivery of information available to the seeking citizen’s which includes filing the reference appeal, scanning, responding on the appeals etc. 21 days Refresher programme was organized from 09-30 Dec 2018 for teachers and academics. For the first time, STRIDE organized the programme as a modular one with FDP options also with in the refresher programme.
2017: 1. STRIDE organized three days International Seminar on Skill Development through ODeL: Innovations, Entrepreneurship, Employment for Inclusive and Sustainable Livelihoods, from March 09-11, 2017. The objective of the Seminar was to deliberate and reflect upon the issues and challenges related to skill development through ODeL in developing countries. The Seminar aimed to provide an opportunity for the teachers, academics and practitioners to present research papers, share their experiences, showcase best practices and innovations, as well as recommend future plans for skill development through the ODeL system; The Silver Jubilee celebrations of the Indian Journal of Open Learning being published by STRIDE, IGNOU were held during the Seminar and two Special Issues of IJOL were published. Click here for brochure.
2. One day Seminar with Presentation and Visit of International Faculty from Rio De Janerio University, Brazil to STRIDE, IGNOU: One day seminar with international students from Germany, Bangladesh and Indian universities; National level seminar and visit of PGDEPA participants of National University of Education Planning and Administrative (PGDEPA) NUEPA.
2016: Series of International visits of various Faculty members from different ODL institutes such as UNISA South Africa to STRIDE organized a Seminar on 13-14 October, 2016, Dr. Jennifer Roberts, Sr. Researcher, Institute of Open & Distance Learning, UNISA, Pretoria, South Africa and Professor Ignatius G.P. Gous made presentations; CDAC, Noida educational visit to IGNOU by international participants. The 28 members came from various countries like Srilanka, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Sudan, Brazil and Egypt etc. The purpose of visit is specialized courses on design,, development and implementation of e-learning; Three Programme Evaluation Studies were Conducted: Programme Evaluation of Diploma in Value added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV), School of Agriculture IGNOU (2016); Programme Evaluation of Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE) School of Continuing Education IGNOU (2016); Programme Evaluation of Master’s Degree in Political Science (MPS) School of Social Sciences, IGNOU (2016).
2015-16: The MHRD had given the responsibility to IGNOU to develop ODL chapter for the New Education Policy. The Vice-Chancellor has given this responsibility to coordinate this particular activity to STRIDE. STRIDE contacted and received feedback from Regional Centres, other ODL institutions and Faculty at headquarters. One day National Workshop was also organized to seek the views of experts in this regard. Finally, based on these consultations the chapter on ODL was developed and submitted.
2015: STRIDE organized two days National Seminar on Open and Distance Learning in India” present status & future prospects September, 29-30, 2015. The overall aim of the seminar was an opportunity for discussion and deliberation on important issues related to programme design, delivery and programme evaluation. The issues of access, equity and quality are being specifically deliberated and also analysed the issues relating to understanding distance learners, management of ODL institutions, educational technology and innovations; 21 days Refresher programme in Distance Education for IGNOU faculty as well as academics from the Regional Centres; Five days National Workshop on Development of Self-Learning Materials in Open and Distance Learning for IGNOU faculty, SOUs and DEIs and other institutions.
2014: STRIDE organized five days National Workshop on “Self Learning Materials (SLMs)” for the Faculty of State Open Universities, Directorate of Distance Education and Dual Mode institutions all across the country; Two programme Evaluation Studies were conducted: Post Graduate Certificate in Endodonlies (PGCE), (2014) School of Health Sciences, IGNOU; Post Graduate Certificate in oral Implantology (PGCOI), (2014) School of Health Sciences, IGNOU.
2013: STRIDEPG Diploma in E-Learning Received National Gold Medal for Innovation in open Distance Learning- ICT- delivery mechanism for on 26th Convocation on 12thApril 2013 from Shri. Pranab Mukharjee, Honorable President of India. Orientation Programme for Academic Counsellors was completed successfully at 50 Regional Centers and about 3000 academic counselors were participated. COL/CEMCA offers to fellowships to women faculty members from India to peruse the innovative PGDEL Programme.
2012: STRIDE initiated academic support to Schools of Studies to conduct course and programme evaluation four different studies on Programme evaluation for various programmes were initiated. A series of Training-Cum- Orientation Programme for Academic Counsellors at Regional Centers were organized in collaboration with the Regional Service Division.
2011: One-day workshop on RTI Act for PIOs of IGNOU and one-day workshop on Financial Rules and Regulations for DDOs of IGNOU were organized. Three-day workshop was organized on development of online courses for IGNOU faculty. Three Indian scholars were admitted to the PhD programme in Distance Education. STRIDE faculty went as visiting professor to China, P. R. for collaborative research and publication. Also, STRIDE joined the IGNOU High Programme Committee to reflect on the current state of Distance Education and give direction to the faculty.
2010: Post Graduate Diploma in E-Learning (PGDEL) was launched in January. Academic Counsellors’ Training Online (ACT-Online) was launched in October. Workshop series in Research in Distance and Online Learning, Refresher Programme for Teachers and Academics in ODL System and Induction Programme for Newly Recruited Teachers and Academics titled ‘Distance Education theory and practice’ were organized. From the first batch of PGDEL, 15 students successfully completed the programme. Two students got admission to the full time M. Phil programme in Distance Education.
2009: Research on Student Satisfaction Survey for PGDDE and MADE programme of IGNOU was conducted. A workshop on Information Technology and Office Management for Sr. PAs/ PA at IGNOU was organizing September Handbooks on Serving Students with disabilities in Distance Education and e-Learning were developed and published. Three international PhD scholars from Sri lanka and Bangladesh were admitted to the PhD programme In Distance Education.
2008: STRIDE organised a 21-day Refresher Programme in Distance Education for IGNOU faculty as well as academics from the Regional Centres. PhD in Distance Education for Indian and international students and MPhil in Distance Education Programme were initiated. Handbooks on (i) Support services in Distance Education, and (ii) Distance Education Opportunity for the North East Learners were developed and published. Manual for Course Writers was also published and added to already existing 15 STRIDE handbooks on various themes of ODL system.
Awareness-cum-policy Roundtable of Vice Chancellors of State Open Universities (SOUs) and Directors of Distance Education Institutes (DEIs) on e-learning were conducted on April 16, 2008. Induction and orientation of the first batch of Research and Teaching Associates was initiated.
A Programme Evaluation Unit with necessary faculty support was established at STRIDE.
2007-08: MADE was sponsored under COL-Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship in collaboration with the South Africa Development Community (SADC) to 41 students in Botswana, Malawi, Lesotho and Zambia. STRIDE organised a 15-day Counsellors’ workshop at IGNOU Headquarters and Shillong Regional Centre in which 64 faculty members/academics of IGNOU, State SOUs and DEIs and academic counsellors were trained.
2007: On behalf of the University, STRIDE organised a National Seminar on ‘Convergence of Conventional and Distance Modes of Education’. A 'Module for Distance Learners – Open and Distance Learning' and 'Training Module for Academic Counsellors Open and Distance Learning: Theory and Practice' were developed.
2005: Master of Arts in Distance Education programme, sponsored by the COL, was offered in Nigeria with 50 students (administered by the National Open University of Nigeria). Non-academic staff development programmes, in a series, were revived; and workshops for ARs, SOs, SPAs, PAs, SAs and assistants were organised.
2004: Attachment programme for faculty and administrative heads of National Open University of Nigeria at STRIDE in June.
2003: IGNOU PGDDE Programme was offered through IICBA in Ghana. A national workshop on Web-CT and E-learning was held in October. RGF-COL workshop for counsellors of MADE Programme was held at New Delhi in November. Refresher programmes in ‘Distance Teacher Education’ and ‘Distance History Education’ were conducted in December.
2002: RGF-COL workshop for academic counsellors of the PGDDE Programme was held at New Delhi in March. The first interactive multimedia workshop, as a part of the series of subsequent such workshops, was organised for the IGNOU faculty. This was subsequently taken up as a series by the Inter-University Consortium in 2004-05 for SAARC, Commonwealth countries, and Indian SOUs and DEIs.
2001: A national workshop in Research on Distance Education was organised in March. Workshop on e-learning for in-house faculty of IGNOU was organised in July. The first Refresher Programme (on Distance Science Teaching) was organised by IGNOU (STRIDE-SOS-DEC), which subsequently led to conduct such programmes in future.
2000: The first series of academic counselling workshops for PGDDE students of Ethiopia and Liberia was organised. Second revision of the PGDDE and MADE courses was completed in October, under a project partly funded by the COL in order to internationalise the courseware for the students of the Commonwealth countries. The second offer of IGNOU-RGF-COL scheme of PGDDE and MADE was made in another 10 countries.
1999: Faculty members from Bangladesh Open University and from Seychelles were attached to STRIDE for research and training. Meeting of heads of staff development and training of open universities was held in March. The first round table on assignments (as part of a series of round-tables on various themes of DE) was organised at BRAOU, and subsequently on media at YCMOU and on SLM at NSOU. STRIDE provided consultancy to International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA) in September.
1997-98: STRIDE provided consultancy services to NIE, Bhutan in 1997-98, the Indian Army in 1997-98, and Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India, in 1998-2000. Attachment programmes were introduced in 1998, with faculty members from the Open University of Sri Lanka being attached to STRIDE for training in DE methodologies.
1995: The first revision of the PGDDE and MADE courses was completed. A national workshop on development of question banks and test items was organised. The first offer of IGNOU-RGF-COL scheme of PGDDE and MADE programme was made in 19 countries.
1994: At the Commonwealth Heads of Governments meeting (CHOGM) held at Cyprus, the COL announced The Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship (RGF) Scheme for foreign students to take up IGNOU programmes (particularly PGDDE and MADE).
1993: Master of Arts in Distance Education (MADE) programme was launched by IGNOU. IGNOU was designated as a Centre of Excellence for Training in Distance Education by COL. The Diploma in Distance Education programme was upgraded to a Post-Graduate Diploma.
1989: 217 students of DDE were awarded diplomas at the first Convocation of IGNOU held in February.
1987: Launch of a Diploma in Distance Education Programme by IGNOU.
1986: Establishment of a Division of Distance Education (DDE) at IGNOU.