The M.A. FRENCH represents one of the prime areas of core programme development at the School of Foreign Languages, IGNOU as outlined in its vision and mission. This is the first ever Masters Programme in French Language in the Open and Distance Mode at an Indian University.
The program has been developed in response to the high learner demand wishing to complete an M.A. degree in one of the most opted for foreign languages in India. It is designed as a modern learner friendly Masters program in the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Mode (to be subsequently offered in Online Mode too)
1. The program follows a Modular structure allowing 02 points of exit -- after the 1st year with a Postgraduate Diploma in French and on completion of the 2nd year, with a full Masters degree -- M.A. French.
2. The courses have been developed keeping in mind both traditional components of a Masters level program as well as those that are skill oriented and focussed upon applied aspects of language learning.
The M.A. French (modular) programme targets students and professionals who :--
- Have completed graduation and are employed wishing to continue studies along with work
- Wish to continue advanced degrees in French Studies but in restrictive life conditions with limited mobility
- Want to resume Postgraduate studies after a considerable break in learning cycles
- Are in full time employment and looking for more flexible and learner-centric pedagogic models of Education
- International students willing to pursue M.A. French in ODL/ Online mode.
- Learners who are willing to join the teaching profession.
- Those wanting to appear at the UGC- NET Exams in India.
- Indian & International learners desirous of pursuing subsequently higher research degree programs in French.
Programme Coordinator:
Dr. Deepanwita Srivastava
Associate Professor (French)
Ph: 011-29571639
Upon completion of the degree, the programme aims to have initiated learners into advanced levels of major theoretical and applied components comprising a Masters Level Program in French Studies.
It aims to introduce at the same time, a novel, flexible and learner-centric program of studies contributing to skill enhancement as also advanced techniques in Didactics, Translation / Interpretation and Culture and Civilization of France and the Francophone world
Upon completing the first year, the learners will be ready for careers in school teaching, tourism / hospitality, journalism, publishing houses, social sectors or cultural organizations and such others.
In the second year, special focus on teaching/learning practices in Open and Distance Learning, use of new technologies in Research and intensive training in Translation and Interpretation with courses on French and Francophone History and Literature aim at initiating the learner into advanced levels of French Studies.
This will have prepared the learner for pursuing successfully advanced Research Programs during subsequent years and contribute to effective knowledge creation in the domain.
The proposed M.A. in French shall be a two years (04 semesters) modular programme comprising of 72 credits divided into 36 credits each year.
Learners shall have enhanced flexibility with exit Option after the completion of the first year course (36 credits) with a Post Graduate Diploma in French with option of resuming after a gap and completing the final year with a full degree of Masters in French.
[Minimum duration: 2 years and Max. duration: 4 years]
** Subsequent changes as per periodic revision in regulations of the University
A student is required to complete 72 credits (whereas one- 01 credit is equivalent to 30 hours of study time) for the completion of the Masters Degree programme and the award of degree.
Designed as per the directives of the NEP 2020, the modular nature of the M.A. FRENCH program lends flexibility and pacing choice to the learner.
It is designed in a way as to enable learners to choose taking a short gap after the first year with a degree Post Graduate Diploma in French, and rejoin at a later date to complete the degree.
Emphasis on skills in Didactics as well as basic translation and courses on culture and civilization will enable learners to step into applied areas, work, gain experience and then resume the remaining 02 semesters.
The overall spirit and structure of the M.A. French program developed at IGNOU is an apt reflection of incorporation of contemporary learner requirements and latest teaching learning strategies fully embedded within the parameters of :
The present program adheres in spirit upon the guidelines of the UGC and principles of Open and Distance Learning as practised in the Indian context.
However, in order to optimize learning outcomes as per international standards, the directives of the Common European Framework for Referencing of Languages—the CEFR have been kept in mind too.
The evaluation methodology shall follow University regulations and modalities carried out through Continuous Assessment and Term-End Examination in compliance with the Evaluation norms of the IGNOU.