The objective of the MA Astrology program is to educate the students under Indian oriental science, from time knowledge, planetary motion, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse to how the practical life of human beings is conducted along with the happenings in space on the basis of the beliefs of Indian sages. The ultimate goal of this program is to provide authentic and detailed knowledge of these facts. Students studying in this program will also have knowledge of how astrology is studied in the form of astrology called Vedanga.In addition to providing special knowledge of the concept of astrological mathematics, theory and results in ancient India, students will be provided complete knowledge of astrology through the study material of this program. Through this type of study, the students, while being concerned with the society and benefiting themselves from their learning, will also be involved in contemplating the interests of all. Along with subject knowledge, it is also embodied in this program to develop the ability to motivate and be qualified for employment.