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Updated on 10 Nov, 2010

Doctor of Philosophy in Computer & Information Science (PHDCISC)

Minimum Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 14,000
Minimum Age: No bar
Maximum Age: No bar


MPhil Degree in the Computer Science / IT etc with fifty-five percent  marks


Master's degree or an equivalent degree from any University or a recognised Institute of higher learning in any relevant branch of Science / Engineering & technology with at least 60 percent marks


The candidates having Master’s degree in any subject with minimum seventy percent marks with sufficient background in the area of computer science / IT, may also be considered. However, the admission cases in this category will be recommended by a Sub-Committee on the basis of the performance in a seminar to be given by the candidate in the area of research after the entrance test.


A batch in Computer Science/Information Technology with seventy percent marks with five (5) years of experience either in teaching or in the software industry, may also be considered. However, the admission cases in this category will be recommended by a sub-committee on the basis of the performance in a seminar after the entrance test. There will be an entrance test for those who fulfil the above mentioned eligibility conditions.

Shri Shashi Bhushan

directorsocis@ignou.ac.in 011-29533436

PhD Programme in Computer Science was launched in January 2009. The objective of the Programme is to train in research methodology, and to inculcate the spirit of innovation and research among the qualified faculty, scientists, engineers etc. required for the expansion of fundamental knowledge and technological innovation through research and development, as well as to meet the requirement of institutions of higher learning.


Software industry provides a vast practical laboratory for experimenting to discover, implement and test new approaches, tools and techniques for designing software solutions to problems. Also, a number of government and semi-government institutions/bodies like, MICT, CSIR, DST, DRDO etc., are involved in research in different areas of applications of computer technology.


In view of the facts, it is proposed that collaborative research can be conducted with, and co-supervisors from the industry and the above-mentioned research institutions. Also, it has been observed that professionals working with the software industry are equally competent in doing research and hence, the candidates with requisite qualifications should also be considered for registration to the PhD Programme of the University

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[Updated on 25-Sep-2024]