The programme delivery mechanism for the Post Graduate Certificate in Industrial Safety (PGCINDS) shall be as follows:
- The programme will be delivered by the School of Engineering & Technology, IGNOU.
- The admitted students will get the academic support (counseling sessions, assignments submission etc) through online platform.
- There will be one assignment for each course MIS-021, MIS-022, MIS-023 and MIS-024.
- For the course MISP-021, each student will complete the project as per the guidelines given in Project workbook.
You will get all necessary support from headquarter. Some of the academic as well as administrative supports are listed below:
- Information, Counseling and advice on your programme as well as other academic programmes offered by the University.
- Pre-admission, during admission and post-admission counseling.
- Induction for newly enrolled students.
- Supply of academic counseling schedules and project schedules.
- Provide Library facilities.
- Receipt and evaluate assignment responses submitted by you and return of the same with marks and feedback on assignments you would be writing.
- Attend to academic and administrative queries pertaining to registration, examination, assessment, feedback etc.
The Open University system is more learner-oriented and the learner is an active participant in the pedagogical (teaching and learning) process. Most of the instructions are imparted through distance education methodology.
Study Material: Soft copy of the study material of the programme will be supplied to the learners.
Academic Counseling: Academic Counseling sessions may be held through online. The schedule of counseling will be intimated to the learner. The Coordinator of the programme will work out the counseling schedule of these sessions taking into consideration various aspects including the project work and term end examination periods, which you are required to undertake compulsorily.
Assignments: Assignments constitute an essential component of the instructional system. You are required to write responses for these assignments based on your understanding of courses, discussions and interactions you will have with counselors and fellow learners. You are required to submit assignment responses of every course at the Study Centre allotted to you. Every assignment marks will be counted for the final marking for each course.
The purpose of introducing an assignment system and giving assignments a weight age of 30 per cent per course is intended to test your capacity and capability of your technical and practical experiences. Therefore, you must devote enough time for preparing and writing assignment responses as per the guidelines of the university and submit them to the study centre. Please make sure that you must write assignment responses on your own which will improve your understanding, knowledge and skills about the course curriculum. At the same time you are also advised not to get tempted to reproduce the course material given in the units or assignments responses of others. Any learners, which may indulge into such practices, may loose their valuabletimeinacquiringknowledgeandskillsinthesubject.Further,if you reproduce the textual material from the course materials provided or any other source, you may be penalized by awarding “Zero marks”.
While preparing assignment responses you must keep the following points in mind, which may help you for preparing better assignment responses:
- Read assignment question carefully and identify various sources of material.
- Make your answer precise, concise and systematic, which is relevant to assessment question.
- Supplement your response with examples, illustrations and real life situations with activities which will help you acquiring better knowledge and skills.
- Stick to the word limit if indicated in the assignment, by drafting, re-drafting assignment responses till you arrive to a final draft response.
- Write answer in your own handwriting, and don’t send typed assignments.
Instruction for sending assignment response
While sending the assignment responses the following points should be particularly taken care:
- Send assignment responses complete in all respect. Partial or incomplete assignment will not carry any credit
- Use A-4 size paper for writing your responses and leave a margin of about 2 ½ on the left side for writing tutor comments and providing feedback
- Always retain a copy of the assignment response with you as a precautionary measure.
- The assignment should be submitted to the coordinator at head quarter on or before the last date indicated in the operation schedule given by the university
- Procure a set of new assignment question of an assignment falls on a holiday, the same may be submitted on the next working day.
- Write your enrolment number, name and full address at the right hand corner of the 1st page of your assignment response.
The course for which the assignment has been done, its Course Code No. and Assignment Code should be written in capital letters in the centre of the top of the 1st page of the response sheets. The top left hand corner should be kept for office use. The top of the 1st page of your response(s) should look something like this:
Once you get the pass marks in an assignment, you cannot resubmit assignment responses, if any, for improvement of grade/mark. Assignment is not subject to re-evaluation except factual errors, if any.
Assignments are to be sent to School of Engineering & Technology the address of Programme Coordinator.
Project Work: You have to complete a project of your choice as per the guidelines given in Project Workbook.
Term End Examination (TEE) is another evaluation tool in the PGCINDS programme. The university conducts Term-end examination twice a year in the month of June and December. Students will be permitted to appear in term-end examination subject to the conditions and registration for the courses, in which they wish to appear is valid, minimum time to pursue these courses is elapsed and they have also submitted the required number of assignment (s) if any, in those courses by the due date. Prescribed Fee has to be paid to appear Term end Examination. Students can also submit On-line examination form as per the guidelines through IGNOU website
In order to appear in the Term-end-Examinations, the students are required to fill in the Term End Examination form. The Examination Form is to be submitted online through IGNOU Website with an examination fee of Rs. 150 per course. The written examination will be held for MIS-021, MIS-022, MIS- 023 and MIS- 024 only. For MISP- 021, there will be project evaluation.
After receiving the examination form, the University will upload the hall ticket on the University website before the commencement of TE Examinations.
Your enrolment number is your Roll Number for examinations. You should be careful in writing it. Any mistake in writing the Roll Number will result in non-declaration of your result. Final term end examination will be conducted at selected IGNOU examination centres.
To be eligible to appear at the term end examination in any course, you are required to fulfill the following conditions:
- You should have submitted the assignment responses for the respective courses
- You should have submitted the Examination Form in time in which you would like to write examination.
- You should have valid registration at the time of submission of Examination form.
- You should complete a minimum duration of the programme.
Examination date sheet and schedule which indicates the date and time of examination for each course is sent to all the Study Centers in advance. The same is also notified through IGNOU Website from time to time.
The system of evaluation in IGNOU is also different from that of the conventional universities. IGNOU has a multi-tier system of evaluation.
- Continuous evaluation mainly through assignments which are tutor marked assignments.
- The Term End Examinations.
- Projects
The evaluation of learners depends upon various instructional activities undertaken by them. A learner has to write assignment responses compulsorily before taking term end examination from time to time to complete an academic programme. Term-end examination will be conducted at the exam centers, where as the project submission will be done at the Head Quarter.
The weightage of TMA (Tutor Mark Assignments) and TEE for all the courses is 30% and 70% respectively in the overall evaluation scheme of the programme.
Admission Schedule
The PGCINDS programme is available in both July and January Cycles of admissions. Application form can be submitted on the online admission portal of University