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Certificate in (Communicative Sanskrit) Saral Sanskrit Bodh (CSSB)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1
Minimum Age: No bar
Maximum Age: No bar


Intermediate or equivalent

Fee Structure:
Rs. 1500/- for full programme



Sanskrit language is the oldest language in the world. Apart from being very scientific in the form of language, it is also all authentic. The entire knowledge of ancient India is contained in this language. From Vedas to modern Sanskrit literature, Sanskrit is well organised and well administered in the same form even today.It contains all forms of knowledge which include ancient knowledge, knowledge about science,technological knowledge and numerology . Our sages and intellectuals of the subject searched for the knowledge that is not only associated with individuals but also with the humanity which is written in the same language.Even in the present environment of computers, Sanskrit is being considered as the most authentic and useful language for computers. The aspect of life philosophy is basically preserved in Sanskrit language only. Discipline and values are the heritage of this language. Language and culture are inextricably linked. The only goal of this program is to make the students studying this program linguistically proficient by making them aware of the words and sentences of Sanskrit language which will furthermore help them converse and exchange their expressions through this language.

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[Updated on 18-Sep-2024]