This Programme was launched by the School of Management Studies, IGNOU, following a MoU between IGNOU and the Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL). School of Management Studies, IGNOU offers an innovative, Work-based BBA programme in Services Management in collaboration with Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd. (MKCL). This program has been designed and developed for young aspiring professionals who want to pursue a bright career in ever growing Services Industry. The programme offers Education, Experience & Earning at the same time. The student will get a BBA degree from IGNOU & work experience certificate from the company on completion of the programme. Work-based e-Learning with mentoring by industry professionals
Three types of courses are included in this programme, as the focus of this programme is on the ability enhancement & work based learning as well as to make students employable. The details of different categories of courses are:
Theory courses (18 courses) of 4 credits each from BSM-001 to BSM-017 and BEVAE-181 Ability Enhancement courses (6 courses) of 4 credits each from BSMA-001 to BSMA-006 Work based courses (6 courses) of 6 credits each from BSMW-001 to BSMW-006
The programme is of total 132 credits.
The student has to pay Rs. 20,000/- per year during the period of the programme (i.e.3 years). Please visit for detailed information about this programme
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