Post-Graduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (PGDAC) is a continuing education programme aimed for the enhancement of skills of the chemists employed in Industry, Research & Development and National Laboratories. It is also useful for all those Science Graduates who are aspiring to get employment in these labs.
The broad objectives of the Programme are:
- To provide training in modern analytical techniques to the learners,
- To provide appropriate theoretical background and develop practical skills for analysing materials even in trace amounts using modern analytical methods and instruments,
- To enable students acquire the analytical data and interpret the same using statistical principles
- To inculcate a problem solving approach by coordinating different analytical techniques.
Infrastructural and Human Resource for the Laboratory Work
A. List of laboratory courses, experiments and requirements of apparatus and chemicals for them
List of experiments
List* of Apparatus and Chemicals
* This contains the Apparatus and Chemicals required for smooth conduct of the designed experiments for the listed courses; the study centres are approved accordingly.
a) List of approved Study Centres under a Regional Centre
b) List of Approved Counsellors for the Study Centres under the Regional Centre
c) Schedule of the conduct of Laboratory Courses at the Study Centres under the Regional Centre