Updated on 04 Jul, 2024
The dawn of the 21st century has heralded a world rife and riddled with a number of new and complex conflicts at different levels in the society. Resolution to these conflicts seems even more challenging than anything ever experienced in human history. Pundits and policy makers are at a loss even to fathom the depth and density of the resulting crises.
At the same time numerous newly formulated rational methods as well as faith-based approaches embedded in different cultures and traditions are being considered both for an understanding of the nature and dimensions of conflicts but also for crafting the much-needed strategies to resolve differences, reach reconciliation and ultimately usher in transcendental peace—all towards achieving global consensus for a humane and ecologically viable new global order.
Keeping this in perspective, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has set up in the School of Social Sciences an interdisciplinary teaching, research and practice centre: Centre for Gandhi and Peace Studies (CGPS).
The prime objective of the CGPS is to train students to participate creatively in all aspects of peace studies—peace-building in conflict and post-conflict societies. Analysis of systemic and overt violence and the causes of war, of human rights and peace-building, and of conflict resolution alternatives leads students to a deeper understanding of the complexities of conflict situations, the social impact of non-violent movements, conflict resolution practice, and peace studies.
Towards this objective, the CGPS has evolved a rigorous academic curriculum developed by the leading Indian scholars in the field that helps students to develop critical thinking and analytical skills as well as alternative methodologies for research. Together the professional engagement of faculty members encourages students to develop new models of peace-building and link theory with practice.
The broad themes that underpin the range of ‘taught’ and research programmes of the Centre at graduate and post-graduate levels include:
Contending theories of conflict, the causes of war, organized violence and the conditions for peace, their basic assumptions, and their relationship to present global policies, structures, and events.
Alternative approaches to peace-making, their basic assumptions and methodologies, and their application to current conflict situations.
The role of culture and cross-cultural communication in conflict situations, conflict resolution, international negotiations, realization of human rights, and the role of identity labels such as gender, race, ethnicity and their role in conflict dynamics and conflict resolution. Development of skills in critical analysis and conflict resolution alternatives.
Values and ethics embedded in different religious traditions as well as ways of fostering reconciliation and co-existence.
Gandhi’s views and perceptions on economic, social, gender, political, environmental and sustainable development issues including critiques and evaluation of Gandhian concepts, its relevance in the contemporary world and contributions made by distinguished thinkers and scholars to the development of Gandhian thought and philosophy.
Role of international organisations including importantly the United Nations on preventive diplomacy and process of peace-making, peace-keeping and peace-building and peace-enforcement to seek answers to critical questions such as non-violence and the skill required by practitioners of non-violence; and how could principles of non-violence be applied to contemporary conflicts.
The Centre for Gandhi and Peace Studies (CGPS) offers the following programmes:
The schemata and eligibility for admission to Ph.D. (Integrated) in Gandhian Studies Programme is are under:
M. A in Gandhian Studies; and
MA in any other subject;
Candidates with MA in Gandhian Studies from IGNOU or any other university in India or abroad may be admitted to Ph. D. programme (48 credits) after they have successfully completed the MA. Once they complete, they would be allowed to write Ph.D. dissertation in Gandhian Studies.
All the courses of the programme in the category are compulsory courses of six-credits each:
Core Courses
1. Research Methodology (RGP-001) - 6 Credits
2. Gandhian Thought: Texts and Contexts (RGP-002) - 6 Credits
Optional Courses
1. Peace and Conflict Studies (RGPE-003) - 6 Credits
2. Gandhian Political Economy (RGPE-004) - 6 Credits
3. Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (RGPE-005) - 6 Credits
4. Environment and Development (RGPE-006) - 6 Credits
Dissertation - 12 Credits
Total - 48Credits
II PG Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies - 16 Credits
III PG Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies - 32 Credits
IV M.A. in Gandhi and Peace Studies - 64 Credits
Contact Person : Prof. Satish Kumar
Head, CGPS
E-mail: satishkumar@ignou.ac.in
The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) signed an MOU to establish the Dr. Ambedkar Centre of Excellence (DACE) on April 22nd, 2022. DACE has been housed in the School of Social Sciences.
DACE aims to:
- Excel in achievement of quality of coaching for students of scheduled castes;
- Create a corpus of aspiring civil servants who can uphold the virtues of liberty, equality and fraternity;
- Instill the values of honesty, commitment and social justice in the enrolled students; and
- Inculcate the culture of servingthe nation andthe community.
Mission Statement of DACE
“Create a repository of resourceful opportunities to learn, imbibe, compete and succeed through honing of the skills related to adaptation, judgement and informed choice in the aspirants”
Selection Criteria:
i) The Scheme shall be open to only Scheduled Caste students.
ii) All students must provide their duly attested caste certificates issued by competent authority.
iii) The student can avail the coaching facility only once, irrespective of the chances available to him or her.
iv) The student should not have received benefit from government under any other scheme. An affidavit to this effect should be furnished by the student.
v) Maximum of 100 students shall be selected.
vi) Attendance Register of student enrolment and attendance shall be maintained.
vii) Accountability of student leaving the said Course in between will be properly fixed and entire fees shall be recovered from the student.
viii) Out of the 100 seats, 33 per cent shall be reserved for women.
ix) A list of the successful candidates shall be made purely on the basis of merit, including the 33 per cent women.
Exam Structure-There shall be acommon entrance exam with 100 objective typequestions to test the candidates’ general knowledge, language skills, reasoning abilities and general aptitude.
Methodology of Training
DACE IGNOU shallprovide coaching in hybrid mode to the enrolled students using latest technology and tools of learning.
Nodal Officer of DACE
Prof. Alka Dhameja (Nodal Officer DACE)
Ph-01129572710, 9811101033, email id-alkadhameja@ignou.ac.in
Members of the Advisory Board of DACE
- Prof. Uma Kanjilal (PVC)
- Dr. Mayank Kumar (History)-ph 01129572737
- Dr. Deepak Paliwal (Sociology)-ph-01129572707
- Dr. Mitoo Das (Anthropology)-ph-01129572725