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Updated on 09 Jan, 2024


The Planning and Development Division was established in the Year 1987-88. The Division is principal Planning unit engaged in formulating short-term and long-term plans, policies, and procedures to operationalize various programmes and activities of the University. It periodically reviews and monitors the performance of all the schemes and activities of the University. Management Information System (MIS) of the university is housed in the Division. The Division periodically publish reports/Books highlighting progress/achievements of the University.

The Division coordinates in facilitating design, development and delivery of academic programmes /activities, its procedures, administrative reforms, students support network in order to improve quality of the Open and Distance Education. The Division acts as secretariat for the Planning Board (PB), a statutory body of the University, and its Standing Committee i.e. the Academic Programme Committee (APC).


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[Updated on 18-Sep-2024]