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Initiatives of RSD
Updated on 24 Nov, 2024

1. MeLT Vans:
Mobile e Learning Terminal (MeLT) Vans were provided by IIT Roorkee in May 2015, to IGNOU, which were allocated to ten Regional Centres These RCs are: Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Cochin, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Madurai, Raipur and Shillong. The mobile vans were operationalized with the objective of providing academic support services to learners residing in remote and disadvantaged areas in the respective regions. The learner support services envisioned through the MeLT vans are as follows:
  • To create awareness about IGNOU programmes in the villages adopted by the RC.
  • To provide computer literacy in these villages.
  • To extend outreach of IGNOU to the Jail inmates in the Jail SSCs.
  • Conduct academic counseling (weekend contact sessions) for learners who cannot attend counseling at their allotted LSC by using services of approved academic counselors.
  • Make arrangements for listening/viewing audio-video programmes of IGNOU.
The MeLT vans are being used as per norms and guidelines of the university.
2. IGNOU Learner Support Centres at Women’s Universities/Colleges/Institutions
In conformity with the national policy of promoting education among women, the University has proposed to establish IGNOU Regular Learner Support Centres exclusively for women at Women’s Universities/Colleges/Institutions. It is envisaged that such centres will provide IGNOU learners an environment of safety, security and participation besides opening opportunities for promoting programmes like Gender and Development Studies, Continuing Education, etc.
3. SMS alert services
To enable smooth communication and better student support service, Regional Centres have been empowered to avail SMS alert services from government service providers, namely, MTNL/BSNL. However, if necessary, services from private operators can be availed with prior approval from the Regional Services Division at the Headquarters.
4. Regional Placement Cell
The Campus Placement Cell (CPC) was established in 2005 in the IGNOU Headquarters. It is the Nodal Office for coordination and organization of Campus Placement drives organized at by the University. The RCs through RSD work in close and effective coordination with CPC, which is essential for smooth running of the activities of the CPC. The placement activities are also held at RCs in major towns.
The University has initiated the establishment of Regional Placement Cell (RPC) at all Regional Centres with a minimum of 10000 IGNOU degree holders with the objective of providing employment opportunities to the learners. The salient features of the RPC are as follows:
Every Regional Centre of the university has a placement Cell which acts as an interface between the industry and the students for providing employment to IGNOU learners. However, the placement for the RCs in Delhi and NCR are organized by CPC at the IGNOU HQ.
4a. Structure of Placement Cell at RCs
Regional Director/Deputy Director/Assistant Director – In-charge
Deputy Director/Assistant Director – Member
Coordinator of Learner Support Centres – Member
One representative from Government Employment Exchange – Member
One representative from Industry – Member
4b. Identification of Companies
Every Regional Centre strives to get the companies located under the jurisdiction of the Region to participate in the placement drive. It is the responsibility of RC placement cell to:
Undertake thorough scrutiny of the company profile before inviting for placement drive.
Sharing the database of companies among other Regional Centres and the Campus placement cell at HQ.
5. Innovation Clubs at Regional Centres
The National Centre for Innovations in Distance Education (NCIDE) in the IGNOU HQtrs, was established in December 2005. The NCIDE promotes and disseminates innovations in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system. The goal of NCIDE is to develop a culture of continued search for new and innovative solutions to offer seamless education for all, achieve cost efficiency in its operations and provide borderless access to quality education and training.
In view of the diversity, heterogeneity and geographical spread of the IGNOU students, the Innovation Clubs have been set up at the Regional Centres also. The basic objectives of the Innovation Club at RCs include, generating awareness about creativity and innovations amongst the students in the respective region, identifying the grass-root level innovations by the faculty and the students of IGNOU, creating a network of innovators and fostering a culture of innovation at the Regional Centres as well as at the Learner Support Centres.
Innovation Clubs established at all RCs comprise largely of IGNOU students as its members. The other members are the academics and staff of the Regional Centres, the Academic Counsellors and Programme Coordinators from the Learner Support Centres.

Creative activities of the Innovation Club at RCs include the following:

  • Brainstorming sessions to generate ideas organized by Innovation Clubs of RC Bijapur, RC Vatakara, RC Ranchi and RC Patna.
  • Presentation of innovative concepts: Innovation Club at RC Hyderabad organised a presentation and discussion where the core aspects of innovation, such as thought process, creativity, innovation, discovery and invention have been discussed. The use of technological innovations in learner support has been highlighted.
  • Social Innovation: Innovation Club at RC Khanna and RC Lucknow are involved in activities concerning social innovations, especially interventions for the elderly, Swacchata and reaching out to the deprived sections of the society.


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[Updated on 18-Sep-2024]