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Updated on 10 Apr, 2024

Mr. T. Paokhan Lal

Deputy Registrar

He belonged to Mizo OR Zomi Ethic Group ( PAITE Tribe), primarily residing in North East India, specifically in the state of Mizoram & Manipur. He completed Bachelor Degree (BA Hons in Pol.Sc) from Poona University & again obtained Post Graduate Degree ( MA Politics & Public Administration ) from Bombay University.

Prior to his appointment as Deputy Registrar, Student Registration Division (SRD), He was the Assistant Registrar of School of Interdisciplinary & Transdisciplinary Studies (SOITDS) at IGNOU Hqtr, New Delhi. He had the privilege of having worked in some of the top IGNOU Regional Centres in the past before IGNOU posted him at IGNOU Maidan Garhi Campus New Delhi. Our University also gave him an opportunity for some years to work in the Administration Division & again in the Finance & Accounts Division at Headquarter respectively. 

Posted to SRD, IGNOU HQTR from January,2024.

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Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Maidan GarhiNew Delhi - 110068
New Delhi, India
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[Updated on 25-Sep-2024]