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Updated on 13 Aug, 2019

Dr. Pankaj Khanna

Deputy Director

Dr. Pankaj Khanna is working as Deputy Director at the Planning and Development Division, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi for more than a decade. His academic and research interests include Decision Support Systems, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Open Educational Resources (OERs), Good Governance, Operations Management and Quality Management. His work has led to a number of published articles in renowned conferences and academic journals, including the Open learning, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, UK; Growing Science, Canada; IRRODL-Athabasca , Canada; JITI, USA; Turkish Online Journal Distance Education(TOJDE); PCF-6 Commonwealth of Learning (CoL); International Council for Open and Distance Education(ICDE); Education and Information Technologies, Springer US.
Dr. Khanna has obtained his PhD (Management) from IGNOU. He is the nodal officer for the annual All India Survey on Higher Education of the Government of India. This government survey brings out the official data collected on a large number of parameters from the universities, colleges and stand alone institutions, in all sectors of higher education. He also coordinates with the member secretary for the overall conduct of the planning board and academic programme committees. He process and coordinate for the externally funded projects; vet and carry out processing of MOUs and MOCs with outside institutions for academic activities and carry out database work related to academic programmes and activities for placing it before the Planning Board and publishing it in the Annual Report of the University.
Dr. Khanna assigns unique course codes for the new & revision courses of the university. He developed a system and guidelines for assigning unique course codes for 10K community colleges. He developed teacher training modules in the form of self learning materials for training the teachers of atomic energy education society schools.
Official Address:
Room No 04,
Block 7,
Planning & Development Division Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi,
 New Delhi - 110068
New Delhi, India
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[Updated on 19-Sep-2024]