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Implementation of the Government Schemes
Updated on 18 Apr, 2024

In connection with the innovation, entrepreneurship and startups, NCIDE has implemented several schemes of the Govt. of India. Some of the major initiatives undertaken are given here:
Mentor-Mentee Scheme of MIC
MOE has assigned IGNOU to mentor other five IIC institutes i the field of innovation and startup with funding support. Mentor-Mentee program helped IIC institutions to facilitate knowledge exchange and resource mobilization between institutions by offering inter-institutional collaborations.
For more information, click here
IGNOU Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)
On the recommendations of the Ministry of Education the University established the Institution’s Innovation Cell (IIC) to systematically foster the culture of innovation within the institution. The primary mandate of IIC is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work on new ideas.
For more information, click here
IGNOU’s Innovation and Startup Policy
In order to implement the National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP) of the MOE, IGNOU has developed its Institutional Innovation and Startup Policy and the same has been implemented.
For more information, click here
Mart India Hackathon (SIH)
IGNOU has been very actively participating in the Smart India Hackathon scheme of the MOE. NCIDE has been identifying the potential team of IGNOU students by organising the Smart IGNOU Hackathon. And the selected teams are recommended for the Smart India Hackathon. IGNOU students are performing very well in these events.
For more information, click here
Innovation Ambassador Scheme
Ministry of Education has started a scheme of creating Innovation Ambassador from across the HEIs. NCIDE has encouraged and supported IGNOU faculty to undergo the Innovation Ambassador training of MOE. After completion of 30 hour online training and assessment, they are certified as Innovation Ambassadors by MOE. The interested faculty members are nominated from time to time.
For more information, click here
Yukti Portal
YUKTI 2.0 is an initiative of MOE's innovation cell and All India Council for Technical Education. It is focused on creating a national database of technologies and innovations along with their commercialization potential and also the startups from our academic institutes. This is an initiative towards encouraging students, faculty and startups from all Higher Education Institutes to submit their innovation and technology to the Government of India. IGNOU has also joined this initiative and taking steps to identify and encourage students, faculty and startups from University to submit their innovation and technology on this portal.



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[Updated on 18-Sep-2024]