Updated on 18 Apr, 2024
The National Education Policy-2020 envisions an education system in India, which aims to develop thoughtful, well-rounded, and creative individuals, thereby enabling personal accomplishment and enlightenment, constructive public engagement, and productive contribution to the society. To achieve its goals, the NEP-2020 envisions moving towards multidisciplinary universities with increased access, equity, and inclusion. The implementation of NEP-2020 in the right spirit needs a deep understanding of its vision, and the underlying concepts and their characteristics.
To understand the key concepts and their characteristics, and the requirements of the NEP-2020 vis a vis its implementation at IGNOU, NCIDE has initiated discussions and sharing of knowledge and information on pertinent topics related to different facets of the higher education system, such as admissions, curriculum and pedagogy, technology in teaching-learning, learner support, evaluation, reaching the unreached, etc., with an aim to devise innovative implementation strategies.