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Implementation Status Approved action components for phase-1 up to March, 2011:

1.Strengthening the ODL library setup – RCs
2.Consortium of E-Resources for ODL system–CERODL - RCs
3.Linkages with other networks –RCs/SCs
4.Automation and digitised content – RCs/SCs
5.Web portal with access management and authentication
6.Human Resources & Information Literacy

1.Strengthening the ODL library setup – RCs

Target: Libraries at Nodal and upgraded RCs are to be ensured with establishment of infrastructure to have access to library related activities.

Implementation Status: The funds to NODAL RCs and upgraded RC libraries were released. The infrastructure package included computers, scanners, TV, LCD Projector, display racks, books stacks, photocopier, spiral binding, Pouch lamination, laser printer, Kardex, broadband/internet connectivity. This was made to increase the capacity building infrastructure of the RC NODAL libraries so that they can increase their physical collection space as well as ability to access e-content be provisioned by central library for RCs. NODAL and upgraded RCs i.e. Aizwal, Ahemdabad, Cochin, Delhi-1, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow have reported that infrastructure including ICT components have been upgraded enabling them to have optimum storage for physical collection and web accessing capabilities to cater to needs for the nearby region.Guidelines for procurement by RCS for books and journals have been sent to RCs. Now most of the RC ‘NODAL’ libraries are in a position to render e-services to its zone and co-ordinate with other RCs libraries to promote effective library use under their justification

Action Plan: to assess the needs of other RCs to strengthen their existing infrastructure. The provision need to be extended to SOUs & selected DEIs.

To prepare accredited standards and guidelines for establishment of distance learning library facilities and assist in their set-up, automation: digital libraries, etc. through manual document.

2.CERODL – Consortium of E-Resources for ODL system (IGNOU RCs- Phase-I)

Target: Additional e-resources to be extended to academics of RCs, Faculties, RTAs, Researchers and learners of face to face & online programme. The e-resources requirement of RCs for the academic pursuit shall be sought All the e-resources licensed by central library to be extended to RCs by technology implementation.

Implementation Status: E-library of IGNOU is procuring e-resources and presently we are procuring 60 online databases from 3rd party which are under licensed and IPR provision. So far these e-resources were accessible from within IGNOU Campus only. Regional Centres have always been demanding that these resources be access to them also. Now with technology implementation of OCLC, USA we have brought up the authorized access management for these licensed e-resources accessible to remote users i.e. RCs also. RCs have also been permitted to recommend e-resources (e-journals/e-books) for their academic persuade, many of these have also been permitted for subscription. This technology has been established and is ready to be formally launched for the academics at HQs and RCs and research scholars where users can access and download these from any where at any time. 185 e--books have been renewed and made accessible to RCs. The e-resources requirement of RCs for the academic pursuit have been sought and ordered . All other e-resources licensed by central library has been provisioned to be extendable to RCs by technology implementation.

Action plan: The accessibility is to be extended to distance learners group and in consdortia mode to be extended to SOUs and selected DEIs.

3.Linkages with Other Networks—RCs/SCs

Target: Linkages with national/international networks

Implementation Status: Keeping in view the limitations of physical library collection at mini libraries at RCs, the IGNOU has now provided the RCs libraries, access to millions of books and journals holding of around 2000 libraries spread all over India. This linkage has been provisioned to all RCs with DELNET facilities. These RCs libraries can obtain by searching from web portal of DELNET, any book in any discipline in any library of India and can ask for its physical access for a limited period in their own library for consultation. Associate membership with UGC-INFONET & INDEST consortia has already been obtained for e-resource build up.

Action plan: The above is to be extended to SOUs & DEIs. Other important national/ international networks are to be sought and extended to RCs, SOUs and DEIs.

4. Automation and digitised content – RCs/SCs

Target: Automation of RCs/SCs libraries shall be stabilised.

Implementation Status:
The web opac (catalog) of central library has also been made searchable on web from anywhere at any time. Data of collection - 2.5 lakh of books RCs/SCs libraries has been input in Automation software in central Library server. The learners can view the RC library’s collection on website.

The collection of Central library is accessible to ODL system on 24X7 basis from anywhere.

Digitised Question papers database (current as well as last 5 years) has already been made web accessible to ODL system from anywhere anytime on web.

Action plan: To provide authorised access to RCs libraries on Central Library server to upgrade the automation of their collection . 

5.Web portal with access management and authentication:

Target: Creation of web based delivery mechanism for the implementation as the content for NODLINET shall be third party which attracts IPR provisioning.

Implementation Status : To start with, web enabled authenticated and authorization access management software has been made functional with library server, creating database of faculty and RCs academic users, permitting access of web-resources of NODLINET from anywhere anytime . The above is bound to give visibility to NODLINET to ODL system. E-library has been integrated with IGNOU wiki to obtain feedback and disseminate the information.

Action plan: The facility is to be formally launched and is to be extended to distance learners group and in consortia mode to SOUs and selected DEIs. Web-enabled bibliographic and informational services, virtual Information Desk through e-mail or web-mail of non-print information access and use, Prompt document delivery within IPR purview by electronic transmission, Chat sites for distance learners of specific disciplines are further planned.

6. Human Resources & information Literacy

Target: Consultants for system (library science, software and web
development) are already provisioned with plan proposal to expedite the implementation. Web based information literacy programme to be implemented.

Action Plan: Action for human resource deployment has been initiated. Information literacy is to be implemented. Online training and instruction programme for distance learners to be implemented. ,

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[Updated on 04-Sep-2024]